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[대표_영문]Announcementlist 으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, create 일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
num. Subject Department Views Registration Date Attachments
공지 [Call for application] The 3rd U-LINK TOPIK Challenger 국제협력/U-LINK TF팀 179 2024-09-02 ZIP 파일다운로드
공지 Guideline on the recruitment of International Admissions for Spring 2025 Admissions Division 294 2024-08-30 ZIP 파일다운로드
171 Information on ID card issuing service for freshmen of 2020 Spring semester Student Affairs Team 2,282 2020-01-16
170 2020-1st semester UST Dormitory Application Announcement Dormitory Operations Planning Team 7,696 2020-01-02 200102 2020-1st semester UST Dormitory Application Announcement.pdf
169 Selection result of the 2020 1st Overseas Training Program and 1st International Presentation Support Program] Student Affairs Team 3,227 2019-12-18 ZIP 파일다운로드
168 2019 USTian Vlog Contest Results Public Relations and International Affairs Team 11,798 2019-12-16 2019 USTian Vlog Contest Results.pdf
167 UST Year-end gathering for international students Student Affairs Team 2,558 2019-12-05 poster.png
166 Study in Korea Online Fair 2019 (Dec.) Public Relations and International Affairs Team 13,586 2019-11-25 The Second half of 2019(December) Study in Korea Online Education Fair(Pamphlet).jpg
165 Notification of the 1st overseas training program 2020 and the 1st International Presentation Support Program 2020 Student Affairs Team 8,580 2019-11-07 ZIP 파일다운로드
164 USTian Vlog Contest 2019 Announcement Public Relations and International Affairs Team 15,174 2019-11-05 ZIP 파일다운로드
163 2019 Medical Checkup for Student (3rd Notice) Student Affairs Team 3,182 2019-11-04 ZIP 파일다운로드
162 Notice on Overseas exchange program schedule 2020 Student Affairs Team 2,368 2019-10-29