Current status of student majors

학생현황 - 학생분류, 인원, 평균 입학연령 및 평균 졸업기간, 연령 및 기간 정보제공
Type Number of Students Avg. age of admission &
Avg. graduation period
Age & period
Enrolled Students 6 Average age of new students in master course 25.82
Students on leave - Average age of new students in doctor course 31.27
Completion Students 4 Average age of new students in integrative course 30.34
Master Graduates 33 Average graduation period in master course 2.43
Doctoral Graduates 16 Average graduation period in doctor course 4.8
International Students 2 Average graduation period in inegrative course 5.08

Student Research Performance

학생연구실적 - 연도, 연구실적 구분, 게재지, 연구실적명 정보제공
Year Field of Research Journal Research
2019 Journal MOBILE INFORMATION SYSTEMS Anchor-Less Producer Mobility Management in Named Data Networking for Real-Time Multimedia
2020 Journal IEEE Access Kick: Shift-N-Overlap Cascades of Transposed Convolutional Layer for Better Autoencoding Reconstruction on Remote Sensing Imagery
2020 Journal Asian Women The Intellectual Structure of Women's Studies: A Bibliometric Study of its Research Topics and Influential Publications
2020 Journal 직업능력개발연 토픽모델링 활용 마이스터고 정책이슈 분석: 교육부 보도자료를 중심으로
2021 Journal International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Automated Classification of Normal Control and Early-Stage Dementia Based on Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Data Acquired from Smart Home Environment
2021 Journal Electronics Ensemble-Based Out-of-Distribution Detection
2021 Journal Sustainability Identifying the policy direction of national Research & Development programs based Data envelopment analysis and diversity index approach
2021 Journal Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences A Study of Dark Photon at the Electron-Positron Collider Experiments Using KISTI-5 Supercomputer
2021 Journal IEEE Access NameCent: Name Centrality-Based Data Broadcast Mitigation in Vehicular Named Data Networks
2021 Journal 한국도서관?정보학회지 동시출현단어 분석을 활용한 오픈액세스 분야의 지적구조 분석: 2013년부터 2018년까지 출판된 문헌정보학 저널을 기반으로