
학생현황 - 학생분류, 인원 정보제공
학생 분류 인원
재학생 49명
휴학생 -
수료생 53명
석사졸업생 63명
박사졸업생 90명
외국인 재학생 16명

최근 5년간 졸업생 주요 취업처

졸업생 수 68
박사 졸업생 43
석사 졸업생 25
졸업생 수, 박사 졸업생, 석사 졸업생
구분 취업기관명
정부/공공 Agency for Science, Technology and Research(ASTAR), Indonesian Institute of Sciences, National Center for Toxicological Research, USA, National Research Centre, 국립보건연구원, 기초과학연구원, 한국과학기술연구원, 한국원자력의학원
민간 LG전자, LG화학, SK바이오팜, SK케미칼, 동아에스티, 써모피셔사이언티픽 코리아, 아이코다, 오스템, 유앤아이, 콜마파마, 피씨엘, 한국애보트진단, 한국콜마
교육기관 Addis Ababa institute of technology , Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, New York University, Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Qiqihar University, Universitas Indonesia, Washington University in St.Louis, 경희대학교, 대구경북과학기술원(DGIST), 서울대학교, 연세대학교, 인천대학교

학생 연구실적

학생연구실적 - 연도, 연구실적 구분, 게재지, 연구실적명 정보제공
연도 연구실적 구분 게재지 연구실적명
2024 학술지 Molecules Anti-Inflammatory Flavonoids from Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb: Focusing on Activity-Guided Isolation
2024 학술지 ALLERGY Forsythia velutina Nakai extract: A promising therapeutic option for atopic dermatitis through multiple cell type modulation
2024 학술지 Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture Metabolic Modulation of Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.): An Insight into Growth, Metabolomics and Antioxidant Activity under Varying Temperature and Light Conditions
2023 학술지 IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics Acoustic simulation for transcranial focused ultrasound using GAN-based synthetic CT
2023 학술지 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Application of subject-specific helmets for the study of human visuomotor behavior using transcranial focused ultrasound : a pilot study
2023 학술지 Materials Today Communications Aspects of the interaction of pectin-coated Ag nanoparticles with methylene blue with regard to photodynamic applications
2023 학술지 Food & Function Bioavailability of Korean mint (Agastache rugosa) polyphenols in humans and a Caco-2 cell model: a preliminary study exploring the efficacy
2023 학술지 POLYMER-KOREA Catechol/aldehyde moiety-based bioadhesive thermosensitive poly(organophosphazenes) hydrogel system
2023 학술지 Drug Testing and Analysis Detection and quantification of the metabolite Ac-Tβ1?14inin vitro experiments and urine of rats treated with Ac-Tβ4: Apotential biomarker of Ac-Tβ4 for doping tests
2023 학술지 Frontiers in Neuroscience Development of a wireless ultrasonic brain stimulation system for concurrent bilateral neuromodulation in freely moving rodents

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