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[대표_영문]Announcementlist 으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, create 일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
num. Subject Department Views Registration Date Attachments
공지 [Call for application] The 3rd U-LINK TOPIK Challenger 국제협력/U-LINK TF팀 179 2024-09-02 ZIP 파일다운로드
공지 Guideline on the recruitment of International Admissions for Spring 2025 Admissions Division 294 2024-08-30 ZIP 파일다운로드
201 [COVID19] Notice on Suspension of Re-Entry Permit Exemption and Submission of Diagnosis for Re-Entry of Long-term Stayers Student Affairs Team 10,713 2020-05-27 Notice on Suspension of Re-Entry Permit Exemption and Submission of Diagnosis for Re-Entry of Long-term Stayers.pdf
200 COVID-19 test for public facilities visitors (confirmed case visited) Student Affairs Team 2,702 2020-05-27 ZIP 파일다운로드
199 [K-eco] 2020 SDGs Youth Summer Camp Student Affairs Team 2,301 2020-05-20 ZIP 파일다운로드
198 [UST] Guide for Psychology Consultation 2020(Reservations are available from May 15th) Student Affairs Team 1,703 2020-05-14
197 [KBS] 2020 Quiz on Korea Participant Recruitment Student Affairs Team 1,988 2020-05-14 2020 QUIZ ON KOREA.jpg
196 [COVID-19] Notice on Itaewon visitors (from 24 April to 6 May) Student Affairs Team 9,764 2020-05-14 Notice(en,ch).PNG
195 [COVID-19] A NEW ROUTINE DISTANCING IN DAILY LIFE Student Affairs Team 1,792 2020-05-13
194 [UST] Postpone of the 3rd International Presentation Support Program 2020 Student Affairs Team 1,652 2020-05-13
193 [GKEDC] Programs on Korea's Economic / Industrial Development Student Affairs Team 2,165 2020-05-07 ZIP 파일다운로드
192 Announcement of the Cancellation of the UST Global Research Internship 2020 and Application Results Public Relations and International Affairs Team 7,994 2020-04-29 Successful Applicants for UST Global Research Internship 2020.pdf